Serving is joining the heart of Jesus, who said he came "not to be served, but to serve." In serving we build friendships and get to use our unique gifts and talents. There's a spot for you and we want to help you find it.
Join Our Volunteer Teams at Walla Walla Presbyterian Church
The Worship Ministry areas of service include for Sunday Mornings and Friday Communion Vespers:
Greeters, Ushers, Worship Leaders & Readers, Musicians & Vocalists. Sound & Media Technicians are needed for Sunday mornings only.
The Youth Ministry areas of service include: Youth Leaders, Study Leaders, Event Drivers & Worship Leaders
The Children’s Ministry areas of service include: Children Leaders, Sunday Morning Teachers, Event Drivers & Nursery Assistants
Our Mid-Week Meal called Wednesdays at First & Birch, aka: W.F.B. areas of service include: Greeting, Kitchen Help, Set-Up, Tear-Down, Cooking or Serving Meals