Children's Ministry

We strive to guide children in the beginning of their faith journeys, while intentionally building ways for children, teens, and adults to grow, not just as individuals, but as a family.

Scroll down for VBS 2025 Registration!

Children’s Sunday School meets every Sunday!

Our children are dismissed from the 10:01 service for Sunday School. We have two classes for the children. There is a 1st through 5th grade class and a pre-K through Kindergarten class. We use The Gospel Project and The Children’s Illustrated Bible. Our loving and caring teachers are ready to get to know your little ones and teach them about Jesus.

Children’s Coordinator-Sonja McPherson

I was born in Portland OR and then, after moving around a bunch as a kid, my family settled in Tri-Cities. I graduated from Richland High School in 2017 and then got accepted into Central Washington University the next school year for music education. I did not finish with a music education degree. 

I finished with three education degrees in 2021: Middle Level Math, Middle Level Science, and STEM Education.
I met my husband at a philosophical debate club at CWU. We argued about the existence of God (I wasn't a believer at the time), and James was God's agent to show me His grace. I came to the faith in December of 2019. My relationship with James eventually grew and we got married in December of 2021.
I am a certified teacher in the state of Washington, but God did some very mysterious work to put me in a place where I could take the position of Children's Coordinator. I am honored to have been asked to do this position and I pray that our children will benefit from learning about God and encountering Him.

Sunday Morning

Children are dismissed during the 10:01 service to class where they are lovingly welcomed by Sonja and a wonderful host of volunteers with hearts for children. There they will have a Bible lesson, make a craft and have a snack. There usually is some singing going on in the classrooms as well. We welcome you and your family!

The ROCK for Kids

Welcome back to the ROCK! Kids from grades 1 through 5 are invited to our weekly ROCK group. We'll meet in the basement media room and go from there! There will be games, snacks, and a Bible lesson. Welcome to all 1st - 5th graders each Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. ROCK gets out at 5:30, just in time for WFB dinner where kids eat free!

Early Bird VBS Registration

The Early Bird VBS registration for Vacation Bible School is here! VBS will be June 9-13 from 9 am-noon each day. If you sign up for the 2025 Walla Walla Presbyterian Church Vacation Bible School before Easter Sunday, then you will receive $5 off PER KID for your registration fees. Any questions can be directed to Sonja McPherson at or Vanessa Curry at