As a congregation seeking to know Jesus and make Him known, we are active in Outreach and Service ministries, from the corner of First & Birch, to the ends of the earth.
We believe every member of the congregation is called to be a minister of the good news of Jesus Christ. The particular Service and Outreach ministries of the congregation are led, coordinated and supported by the Service and Outreach Mission Area. Members of this Mission Area meet regularly to plan and pray for the engagement and outreach of the congregation, and to seek new ways to glorify God through service to others in the manner of Our Lord.
We support the causes we do with our prayers, time, energy, talent, and treasure, working toward fulfilling the needs of others to the glory of God, and for the advancement of His Kingdom. Scroll down to see the causes we support.
World Wide Ministries We Support
We Stand With WorldRenew
Our partnership impacts the world
WWPC and ECO have partnered with World Renew as our global outreach disaster and assistance ministry. Wherever World Renew is, we are. Currently, World Renew is helping rebuild those affected by Hurricane Idalia, getting clean water to communities around the world and in Turkey and Syria helping after the earthquakes.
Free Burma Rangers
The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to bring help, hope and love to people in the conflict zones of Burma, Iraq, and Sudan. Working in conjunction with local ethnic pro-democracy groups, FBR trains, supplies, and later coordinates with what become highly mobile multipurpose relief teams. After training, these teams provide critical emergency medical care, shelter, food, clothing and human rights documentation in their home regions.
In addition to relief and reporting, other results of the teams’ actions are the development of leadership capacity, civil society and the strengthening of inter-ethnic unity. The teams are to avoid contact with the Burma Army or other attacking forces and operate under the protection of the ethnic resistance armies. However, they cannot run away if the people they are helping cannot escape the attacks. Men and women of many ethnic groups and religions are part of FBR.
Advocates for Africa’s Children
Heidi Lum founded the nonprofit Advocates for Africa's Children (AFAC). This nonprofit works to empower African people to care for orphans and stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Frontier Fellowship
Frontier Fellowship is committed to our call to engage the Church - inviting, educating, inspiring, gathering and equipping followers of Jesus to embrace their God-given roles in making His name known among every nation, tribe, people and language.
Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries (The Outreach Foundation)
The Good News of Jesus Christ is being shared in Pakistan through a variety of programming including radio, social media, audio CDs, and DVDs, using Urdu, Punjabi, and Saraiki languages. Biblical teaching, Christian music and ethical instruction form the core of the content. Their goal is to make a positive impact on people’s attitudes through Christian values.
The Antioch Partners
The Antioch Partners (TAP) is expanding long-term (two years or more), cross-cultural, incarnational ministry opportunities for Presbyterians. Our conviction is that every follower of Jesus is a missionary (a “sent one”), but for those called to long-term, cross-cultural engagement, special training and support structures are necessary, and this is what TAP provides. TAP works alongside local Presbyterian churches in the US to help people get from where they are now to where God is calling them to be, and then not just to survive, but to thrive, in their ministry callings. Specifically, TAP serves local churches in the assessment, training, sending and support of those called to long-term, cross-cultural engagement.
Wheelchairs for Nigeria
Dr. Ron Rice, a retired Presbyterian pastor, and his Nigerian partner Ayuba Gufwan, who walks on his hands from polio, have built and donated over 33,000 wheelchairs to Nigeria's polio survivors. They have their own shop in Jos, Nigeria, with 60 employees, where they build these 3-wheeled, hand-pedaled "tricycles" out of bicycle parts for $150. Five of the employees are polio survivors themselves. There are Christian and Muslim employees.
For $150, a life is transformed. Children can go to school, they have hope and a future. Adults can get vocational training or an apprenticeship, become self-supporting, and not have to resort to begging. Wheelchairs are given to both Christians and Muslims. In a country frequently torn by tribal and religious violence, Christians giving wheelchairs to Muslims is many times a witness for peace and reconciliation.
The wheelchairs are given freely in the love of Jesus, for Jesus has taught us to have compassion on the poor, the crippled and the blind. However, the need is huge. At almost every wheelchair distribution, more disabled people come whose name was not on the list, and have to go home heartbroken without a wheelchair.
Nasir Church in South Sudan
The conflict has declined in South Sudan and the refugees who left "just want to go back home." The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan is eager to welcome them home where they greatly need a place to worship. We'll be taking up a special offering for them throughout April. There are Mission Envelopes in the pews you can use if you would like to donate to this building of hope for these refugees.
Local Ministries We Support
Communities in Schools - Sharpstein Food Pantry
WWPC supports students at Sharpstein Elementary School with food for their backpacks over the weekends during the school year. We provide fresh fruit, canned food and any other needed items the coordinator asks of us. If you’d like to help in this ministry, just give us a call at 525-1093. Thanks!
Young Life Walla Walla
There is an active and growing Middle School Young Life happening in our community. Kids are connecting, having fun and learning about Jesus.
Young life’s Mission statements:
We go where kids are and build personal relationships with them.
We provide fun, adventurous, life-changing experiences.
We work in communities alongside like-minded adults (volunteer leaders, committee members, donors and staff)
Blue Mountain Action Council
BMAC provides the programs and tools to achieve stability and self-sufficiency for neighbors and folks in our community. They have all kinds of services for folks in need from the food bank to homeless services and from the early learning coalition to affordable housing.
Christian Aid Center
OUR MISSION at the Christian Aid Center is to serve Jesus Christ by providing restoration and compassionate love to those in need.
SOS Health Services
SOS Health Services of Walla Walla is an immediate care facility that provides quality walk-in healthcare services to individuals without health insurance (or without adequate health insurance) in the Walla Walla Valley. SOS Health Services does not deny people access to services regardless of citizenship status or geographic location.
In 2023, SonBridge Center for Better Living began providing the services that the former Helpline organization had provided to our community. Knowing that Helpline has been a valuable asset to people who have been helped by their services, SonBridge wanted to assist in making sure that these valuable services did not go away .... so was imagined Helpline@SonBridge.
SonBridge is committed to preserving the Helpline 50-year history of serving as the front door to help the poor and homeless individuals and families in Walla Walla Valley. We will continue to connect people struggling to meet basic needs with the community resources needed to achieve stability.
Trained, caring staff and volunteers are continuing to meet with clients to assess needs and screen for eligibility of available local resources. We provide direct assistance with a variety of essential needs and provide referrals to a network of local social service agencies.
Camp Ghormley
Welcome to Camp Ghormley in Washington State! Ghormley is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian summer camp and year-round retreat center located in Naches, WA, 30 miles west of Yakima, WA.
Ghormley offers camps for youth in grades 2-13, family events, and facility rental opportunities for groups from 15-200. Located near White Pass Ski Area, Ghormley offers an ideal camp and retreat location for families and organizations throughout Washington.
With Birthright, she is never alone. We help women discover hope for the future through friendship, love, and support. We know the importance of simply being with her, being a compassionate listener, and respecting that it is her life and her plan. Birthright is available to support her for as long as she needs us, from the time of her first call or visit, throughout her pregnancy and after.
Along with providing love and support, we help her with essentials such as pregnancy testing, medical, housing, and counseling referrals as well as maternity and baby items. Through Birthright’s strong support system, she can realize hope for her future.
Hope Heals Walla Walla
This organization is about the journey of reversing homelessness. They supply basic essentials to homeless, financially displaced, and low-income individuals when in need or transitioning into first-time housing. Hope Heals provides support to families in need, with an overall goal of spreading Hope, Love, and Kindness, to everyone, everywhere.
. Creating hope in our community.
. Respecting everyone, no matter where they live or who they are.
. Providing for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
. Giving back to others.
. Keeping our resources in our local community.
. Having gratitude. - A readiness to be thankful, show appreciation, and return kindness.
Hope Street
Hope Street is a clean and sober living home for women struggling with substance use disorder. Hope Street provides women with a safe home, community, and support as they discover their most fulfilling lives in long-term recovery.
Our vision is that every woman recovering from addiction will find hope and transform their life. We will provide the tools, accountability, and community.